Forwarding letter with colour matching speciment to a customer.

(Note: It should be printed on Company’s Letter Pad)

(..Date..) (..Month..), (..Year..)

(…Contact Person name…),
(…Company Name…)

Sub: Colour Matching of Plastic specimen.

Dear Mr.(…Contact Person name..),

We are happy to inform you that the molded component you have forwarded to Color Competence & Design Center of (…Company Name..)has matches with (…Product Name….)and the color code is given below:

01. XXXXXXXXXXX                        for ..(Specific Colour..).
02. XXXXXXXXXXX                        for ..(Specific Colour..).

We have attached the color matching specimen for your ready reference.
Please feel free to contact with us for any other query.


(.......Name of Contace Person:
Company Name & Address:
Phone No:
Fax No:

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